About Me

Hello blog lurker! Welcome to Curls & Blossoms. I am a social media addict and curly-haired YouTuber originally from Kentucky, USA.

Beyond curls, I also dabble in lifestyle topics, beauty, and women's health here on my blog. But I first got my start on YouTube making curly hair videos (in 2009!) when I realized that there weren't a lot of girls with my hair type (looser curls) making videos or sharing advice. From there, with a little hard work, my channel kept growing til it got to where it is today. YouTube has helped me educate women (and men) all over the world about how to care for curly hair and keep it healthy.

My explorations and wanderlust have led me around the world, and I've spent time living abroad in Spain and in the Middle East. After my sojourn with my husband in the Middle East, we decided to move back to the states and settle down in North Carolina. I've worked a variety of jobs from Spanish teacher to camp counselor to social media manager, and I'm still figuring out how to merge my passions and my career trajectory.

That concludes my "About Me." Thanks for stopping by! Please don't live life permanently as a lurker. Leave a comment or shoot me a tweet, and join the light side of the internets. You're missing out on half the fun if you don't say 'hey girl hey' to us. :)

"Straighten your hair, be happy for a day; learn to love your curls, you'll be happy for life."

@:-) Wishing you a good hair day,

1 comment:

  1. Fellow KY girl (born & raised in Louisville) here & recent CGM follower (roughly 3 months). Just wanted to say "hey!"
